EU FUNDED PROJECTS – BEST TOOLS FOR CONSTRUCTION SPECIALISTS EDUCATION![]() Presentation: Session: General Paper Session W65 - Innovation in construction (theories and best practices) Room: Assay Hall Session start: 11:00 Mon 20 Jun 2011 Paul Nowak Affifliation: Warsaw University of Technology Civil Engineering Faculty Topics: - Innovation in construction: theories and best practices (General Themes) Abstract: Paper will present assumptions and initial results of the two innovative projects for construction industry: Leonardo da Vinci Projects (TRAIN.COM, 2010-2012) – “Augmented Reality Applied to Machinery Maintenance from Construction Sector” and Norwegian Instrument Project (NORW, 2009-2011) - “Distance learning within management in construction”. The aim of the TRAIN.COM project is to design and apply a training system in basic machinery maintenance using a new technology called augmented reality. This system will improve the basic skills of machinery operators related with a safe maintenance of their machines and not only with their operation. The Augmented Reality (AR) is the term to define a direct or indirect view of the physical environment in the real world, which elements combine with virtual elements in order to create a mixed reality in real time. So, it consists in a group of devices which add virtual information to real information. This is the main difference with virtual reality, because it doesn't replace physical reality, but superimposes virtual data on real world. This project is going to be focused in excavation works for two reasons. Firstly, because of intensive work, which emphasizes the necessity of preventive maintenance. Secondly, because of the enormous quantity of self-employers and SMEs, who own machines and are working for others companies. This project is going to be based upon the outcomes obtained in the project “Training system for mechanical digger operators”, in which one of the most important developments was maintenance training. Furthermore, it included a experimental system based on PDA of which function was to support the learning through the use of checklists. The system pretends to enhance the training of operators in the field of maintenance, through the use of Augmented Reality. To reach this aim, the project will provide a system which will allow to select maintenance operations by means of a interface easy to use by the operator. The NORW project is related to development of studies in English for construction managers in Poland and Norway (English as a language of instruction). The project will cover development of some new courses, modules and curriculum as well as modification of existing ones. New curriculums will come into being in cooperation with sector of small and medium – sized enterprises. The project will create two first courses organised in the blended learning mode of teaching: “Economy and Financial Management in Construction” and “Construction Management”. Need for the courses was confirmed during numerous research works and projects and contacts with Polish, Norwegian and other European construction companies. Operational goals of the project are: increasing the attractiveness of teaching at Universities and increasing the professionalism of construction managers running the European funded projects in construction. Detailed goals are: creation of the didactical internet platform for teaching elements of management in construction together with didactical materials and methodology, both in English and Polish. Project will be then transferred to other EU countries. |