Finally, the conference organisers wish to thank all speakers, participants, session chairs and workshop leaders for their involvement and contributions, making the conference a success.
These proceedings contain the collected papers presented on the International Conference “Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Enviroment”. This conference is organised under the auspices of Working Commissions W55, W65, W89 and W112 of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), together with the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) and the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESP).
During the conference an international group of 180 scientists and building professionals from 20 countries on all continents met eachother and discussed from a broad perspective recent developments in management, innovation and planning of the built environment.
The organisers wish to express their gratitude to all those individuals who played an important role in the organisation of MISBE2011. We special thank the members of the local Organisation Committee and all members of the Scientific Committee.
Finally, the conference organisers wish to thank all speakers, participants, session chairs and workshop leaders for their involvement and contributions, making the conference a success.
Hans Wamelink
Rob Geraedts
Leentje Volker
ISBN: 9789052693958
ISBN: 9789052693958