GUIDELINE FOR PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN CLIENT AND CONTRACTOR IN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS IN GERMANY![]() Presentation: Session: WS65 - Workshop Selecting partners & organizing collaboration Room: Assay Hall Session start: 14:00 Tue 21 Jun 2011 Konrad Spang Affifliation: University of Kassel Stefan Riemann Affifliation: University of Kassel Topics: - Partner selection & collaboration in procurement (Workshop) Abstract: This paper deals with the current situation of large infrastructure projects in Germany. The result of a field study shows many of the main participants are dissatisfied with the current situation and wish for a change. For this reason at the chair of Project Management at the University of Kassel a guideline for partnership between client and contractor in infrastructure projects was developed by different working groups of practitioners and scientists. It contains beside a preamble seven elements referring to clear project specifications, defined processes for project changes, fair risk handling, common data systems, regulations for responsibilities and decisions, contractual alternative dispute solutions and contractual incentive regulations. At present this guideline is in the testing phase to improve it, if necessary, and to collect experiences for a possible binding implementation in complex infrastructure projects in Germany. |